Catalina High School, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Judie Hollinger Williams

My husband, Darwin Williams, and I live in Marana, AZ.
from Nov. - Apr. and in Durand, Michigan May - Oct. We
have 2 girls, and they live in Michigan. They have 9
children between them and that keeps us very busy in
the summer. We live in a Golf and R.V. resort in
Michigan and a M.H. and R.V. park in Az.  We have the
best of both worlds. We both retired Jan. 01 from a
childrens's center in Michigan, and began our dream of
full time We have enjoyed our retirement and
seen many beautiful places in the U.S.A.

After my graduation from Catalina High, I was married and we had one daughter. We were divorced when she was two and I moved back to Michigan where my parents were. They had moved back a couple years before that. My sister and her family stayed out in Az. When we retired, we came to see my sister and her family. My husband fell in love with Arizona and if it wasn't for our children living in Michigan we would probably live in Arizona full time. 

Our oldest grand child is in college and our youngest is
in 4th grade. They each have their special places in
our hearts and we certainly enjoy them.

After graduation from Catalina, I worked for O'Rielly
Chevrolet in their Service Dept. and then moved back
to Michigan. I then went to work for Buick Motor
Division in their Service Dept. and started classes at
Mott Community College.  After the birth of my 2nd
child, I did not go back to work until later in life.
I worked in the non-profit world as Business Manager
and then ended up in Grant writing for non-profits. I
attended Wayne State Univerity and Oakland Univ.
taking classes related to Grant Writing. I still do
grant writing for Humane Society of Genesee County
part time from my home.

Politics - NO WAY!!! lol Religion - full gospel Christian
Pet Peeves - being interrupted and dishonesty
Passions - At-risk children & pets

I still love music and play keyboard for my own
entertainment and my husband, if he is around. Ha. I
love beading, pencil art, reading and travel.

My favorite sports are hockey (The Red Wings),
football (Michigan State and U of A) and Basketball (U
of A and Mi. State).

I had a blind date with an attorney.  (My first and
last blind date) As the evening went on, I felt like
he was trying my case all night, so I proceeded to
enjoy too many martini's and ended up not being able
to walk. He had to carry me to the car and carry me up
the stairs to my apartment. The next time I saw him he
was in court and I was there to complete my divorce.
Needless to say I sat with my head down until he left.
Fortunately, his case came up first.