Fran R. Di Leo
I moved out of Tucson again in 2007. Left in 1958
came back in 1959, left in 1959 went to California,
wen in the Navy in 1960, got married in 61, went back
to Tucson in 62 had my first child, Linda, left for
Florida (husband home), left and went to Colorado in
1966, then back to Florida in 1967, had third child
son, had second child in 1964 in Orlando Florida. Left
in 1972 went to California again, got divorced. Lrft
Californi in 1991 went back to Tucson, then decided to
leave again am now in Aurora, Colorado.
Hope to stay here have daughter, son, 2 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren here. Have other son still in California and 1 great grandson.
My father helped in the construction of Catalina in
Bet I am the youngest in our class.